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Helping You Through Uncharted Waters

At Fonseca F Consulting LLC, we specialize in the identification and delineation of wetlands, streams, and other regulated water bodies on your property. Our team of scientists is here to assist in identifying potential wetland areas and water features on your project site early in the planning process. We will assist you in preserving required setbacks from these environmental resources, incorporating the areas into site design, and acquiring any encroachment permits, as needed.

We strive to make the permitting process as simple as possible for you by streamlining our services with your project plan. We work with landowners, developers, engineers, attorneys, municipalities, and government agencies to help facilitate the permitting process while minimizing the impact on natural resources.

Our team of experienced wetland scientists provides expert services to private and public clients, including municipalities, builders, land planners, developers, and engineers. We are committed to providing high-quality, cost-effective services to each client.

Wetland Services

  • Wetland Presence/Absence Determinations
  • Wetland Delineation and Identification
  • Pennsylvania DEP General Permits
  • USACE Joint Permit Applications
  • Massachusetts DEP Requests for Determination & Notice of Intent
  • Wetland Mitigation Design and Implementation
  • Wetland Construction Oversight
  • Fish Habitat Enhancement Design and Implementation
  • Riparian and Native Planting Design and Material Sourcing

What Are Wetlands? 

Wetlands are areas where water is present at or near the soil surface all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including the growing season. The prolonged presence of water creates conditions that favor the growth of specially adapted plants (hydrophytes) and promotes the development of characteristic wetland (hydric) soils. They are among the most diverse ecosystems on earth, providing homes and food for an astounding range of aquatic plants and animals. They play a number of functions, including water purification, flood control, and shoreline stability. 

There is a wide variety of wetland types. The most common types are swamps, marshes, and bogs.

  • Swamps are low-lying areas that have slower-moving waters, with trees and shrubs dominating the herbaceous vegetation. Swamps include cypress swamps, hardwood swamps, and mangrove swamps.
  • Marshes are low-lying areas that have faster-moving waters, with grasses and other herbaceous plant species dominating the vegetation. Marshes include freshwater marshes, salt marshes, wet meadows, and prairie potholes.
  • Mires (also called peatlands or bogs) are acidic wetlands in which sphagnum moss accumulates to depths of several feet; peat is a fossilized form of decayed moss. In bogs, there is little decomposition because of cold temperatures or water chemistry. The Tannersville Cranberry Bog Preserve is one such protected wetland in our local area.

Why Are Wetlands Important?

​​Wetlands are an integral part of the Earth’s natural hydrologic cycle, contributing to groundwater recharge, flood control, and stormwater management. Many species live and thrive in wetland habitats, making them extremely important aspects of the environment. 

The presence or absence of wetlands on a property can have a significant impact on the value and development feasibility of that property. Whether you’re planning a single-family home or a large commercial development, chances are that you’ll need to comply with regulations pertaining to wetlands to obtain your building permits. The good news is that our experts can help you take the guesswork out of navigating the process.