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Our blog will keep you up-to-date on the latest industry news, projects, and trends. Our blog also features tips and articles related to our services.

Andres Ramirez

Work With a Certified Environmental Consultant 

When planning your outdoor project and looking for companies to partner with, it’s important that the teams you’re considering are certified, dedicated professionals. Hobbyists and those who have studied in this field are certainly knowledgeable, but certified professionals like the…
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Keep your Head Above Water Stewardship

At Fonseca F Consulting LLC, our goal is to help you use water in a way that is as beneficial as possible, which we call water stewardship. The Water Council defines water stewardship as the use of water that is…
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A river running over logs

What is a Wetland?

Wetlands tend to form in low-lying areas along rivers, streams, and other bodies of water subject to flooding, within isolated depressions on land that collects surface water, and in areas of groundwater discharge. These areas of groundwater discharge can even…
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Andres working at a wetland

Why Hire an Environmental Consultant?

Environmental Consultants are often overlooked during the initial phases of land development planning or real estate transactions. You may think, “my clients own the land, they can do whatever they want to it”. That of course is not the case.…
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A running river

What is a Wetland Delineation and Why Do I Need One?

Are you planning a new land development project, a building expansion, or purchasing land to build your dream home? Before you break ground, it’s important to follow all legal processes to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Wetland…
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